Award-Winning Videos on Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer

Note: Videos are intended for communication and not rigorous scientific review.
Many thanks to the expert judges, students, teachers, parents, and voters who made this exciting competition happen!
High school students are excellent science communicators. The submitted entries in this year's Video Challenge demonstrate tremendous creativity and used many storytelling approaches to communicate the Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer.
Congratulations to the 2022 Prize Winners
- EGFR/Ras Pathway Relay Race
By Ying Chen, Abigail Chung, Jessica Liu, and Mia Haas of Stuyvesant High School, New York, NY
Team advisor: Mr. Gilbert Papagayo - Judges' Award Second Place
Menacing Mutations: Examining the Role of the RAS Oncogene in Cancer Development
By Xinyi Zhang of South Brunswick High School, South Brunswick, NJ
Team advisor: Mrs. Dana Armstrong - Judges' Award Third Place
Pika the p21: Protector of the Cell Cycle
By Jeslyn Choudhruy, He Xuan, and Chloe Zhang of Jericho High School, Jericho, NY
Team advisor: Mrs. Serena McCalla - Viewer's Choice Award
p53 The Spell Checking Machine
By Isabella Hakim, Kendall Archer, Olivia Spielman, and Noah Um of Riverdale Country School, New York, NY
Team advisor: Mrs. Monica Murakami
Our panel of expert judges (Paul Craig, RIT; Beata E. Mierzwa, UCSD; X.F. Steven Zheng, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey) scored the videos based on Quality of Storytelling (20%), Quality of Science Communication (30%), Quality of Public Health Message (10%), Originality and Creativity (20%), Quality of Production (10%), and Proper Accreditation (10%).
The general public voted for the Viewer's Choice Award.